Welcome to learnfromgirls.com

Your time is precious. You need to study but you also really like girls. Problem solved! Our girls will teach you what you need to know to pass those exams or succeed in life as well as how to respect and appreciate all aspects of real girls including their voices, desires, emotions, humour, intelligence, dedication, knowledge and skills.

There are no age restrictions for the content on this site but we recommend you to be aged 11 or more. If you are under 18 then get your Dad to pay.

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Are you a girl? Are you unhappy with some part of your body? Are you worried what others think of you? Take that thought and Kiss It Goodbye! You are a whole package, you are awesome, and ( should you care) you are very desirable, as was your mother, and your grandmothers, and their mothers.... Subscribe or contribute to lessons!